This tester is a device to test the reliability of component materials and products. It is a device that checks the thermal characteristics of materials and products due to rapid temperature changes (within 5 minutes). Equipped with a high-performance cooler, the test temperature is reached quickly and noise and vibration are low. Additionally, various safety devices are built in to prevent malfunction.
Depending on the use, it is divided into 2 Zone (low temperature, high temperature) Type and 3 Zone (low temperature, room temperature, high temperature) Type.
Option: -40℃~150℃
Tủ thử nghiệm môi trường sốc nhiệt 2 ngăn KOMEG TST
Giá bán: 0.00
Tủ thử nghiệm môi trường nhiệt độ, độ ẩm KOMEG KMH
Giá bán: 0.00
Tủ thử nghiệm Pin (Battery) phòng chống cháy nổ KOMEG
Giá bán: 0.00
Tủ nhiệt độ thử nghiệm Pin 2 ngăn độc lập phòng chống cháy nổ STS
Giá bán: 0.00